Things That Could Affect A Personal Injury Lawsuit

You need to take quite a few things into account if you want to succeed in your personal injury lawsuit. Factors like the offending party’s carelessness as well as the insurance and possible pre-existing conditions that you may have are important in winning your case. Take into account the fact that personal injury attorneys based in the state of Florida will only accept personal injury cases on a strict basis. They only get paid if you win the case, so personal injury attorneys tend to Read More +

Who Is Going To Pay For My Medical Expenses Following My Florida Car Accident?

Q: Who is going to pay for my medical expenses following my Florida car accident? A: Well, because Florida has a no-fault statute your car insurance is going to pay for 80% of your reasonable doctor bills. If you have a 20% growing balance of medical bills, then if a claim is made against the at-fault insurance company, that 20% of unpaid medical bills would be part and parcel of your overall claim for pain and suffering against the at-fault insurance company. Picture Credit: Freepik

What Is A Permanent Injury?

Q: What is a permanent injury? A: Florida statutes define a permanent injury as death, physical scarring, and pain and suffering in general and most clients end up in the pain and suffering category in general which can be anything related to the neck and back or joints or knee pain, shoulder pain, things like that. Even headaches, even things you can’t necessarily determine on an x-ray, but it takes a doctor, whether it’s a chiropractor or an orthopedist or a neurologist to state that Read More +

How COVID-19 May Affect Your Case

Treatment: Life as we know it has come to an abrupt, but hopefully brief, pause. Most things seem to have slowed, been interrupted or come to a complete stop. If you’re an injury client, just know that if stop seeing your treating physician, you case will also stall. To resolve an injury claim, attorneys need to know from your doctor your diagnoses and future prognoses. Docs cannot assess that when they have an absentee patient. And when it comes time to settle your claim, most Read More +

I loaned my car to a friend who was involved in a Florida car accident. Am I liable if my friend was at-fault?

Q: I loaned my car to a friend who was involved in a Florida car accident. Am I liable if my friend was at-fault? Yes, as a matter of fact, you are liable. There’s something called the dangerous instrumentality rule which basically means if you own this 2000 pound piece of steel that flies down the road and 50, 60 miles per hour, you are equally responsible as the owner of the vehicle as well as the driver. So plan on having a claim made Read More +

What is liability insurance?

Q: What is liability insurance? A: Liability insurance is insurance that covers you in the event you’re in a car accident and you, in fact, are at fault. It prevents the injured party from going after your personal assets or your house or your salary, things like that. If you have car insurance and you have liability insurance, see if you can get the most insurance limits that you can reasonably afford. Nobody wants to be insurance-poor, but the minimum insurance in Florida for liability Read More +