Practice Areas

Automobile Accidents

If you have been hurt in a car accident, the first thing you should do after an automobile accident with injuries to either party is be seen by a doctor and get medical treatment for your injuries. Automobile Collisions

Drunk Driver Accidents

Attorney Walt Blenner and his team of experts will investigate the circumstances of your accident and the extent of your injuries to make sure you get the punitive damages you deserve for your pain and suffering.

Commercial Vehicle Accidents

When a delivery truck, truck, a car, an SUV, an improperly secured trailer, or a van rolls over, serious injuries can occur. Attorney Walt Blenner is there to make sure you are compensated for your suffering.blank

Wrongful Death

Attorney Walt Blenner will get to know the deceased life before the tragic accident occurred. He will take the time with the family so that he can visualize what your life was like before your loved one died compared to what it is like now. He will patiently explain the procedure the jury uses to determine negligence and the monetary value of your lost loved one.
Wrongful Death

Catastrophic injuries

Head injury, brain injury, traumatic injury, spinal cord injury, burn injury, amputation injury the law firm of Walt Blenner will help injured individuals and families to recover damages for their pain, suffering, medical bills and loss of income.

Limb Dismemberment

Injuries from power tools, farm equipment, car accident, truck turnover, and motorcycle collisions, or motor vehicle accidents may require an amputation. Amputations are physically and emotionally devastating. Walt is there to help analyze your case to help you through the difficult time.

Loss-of-Use of an Arm or Leg

Amputation or loss of limbs or digits occur most often in the workplace. They require endless adjustments to their lives and often lifelong medical care and rehabilitation.

Loss of Employment Due to Injury

Lost wages occur when you are injured and cannot perform your job duties. You could be out of work for an extended period of time without income to support your yourself and your family. Loss of income can have devastating consequences and make it difficult or impossible to pay household expenses. Walt can help you get the compensation entitled to.


When a person’s neck is suddenly jerked backward and then forward in a car accident, this what causes whiplash and create serious neck injury that may lead to trauma or chronic problems that can go on for years, Walt will guide you to the right physician to help you, usually at no cost out of pocket to you, to get you the very best medical care and ease your pain.

Uninsured Motorist

Have you been in an accident where the other driver has not had insurance? Or have they had insurance but been underinsured? Or maybe you just aren’t sure. According to the Insurance Research Council up to 25% of drivers in the USA are underinsured or just dont have car insurance at all. Deciphering an insurance policy can be tough.


Negligence is behavior that falls below the normal standard of care. Acting negligently does not have to include a complete disregard for rules only that the conduct was inappropriate which caused the accident or injury. As a personal injury attorney in Palm Harbor for over 20 Years Walt can give you an honest and accurate assessment of your case.
School Bus and Public Transportation Accidents
Bus accidents, because of the high center of gravity coupled with their tremendous weight and size, bus accidents are often catastrophic and can cause wrongful death and serious injury leaving the victims with life altering trauma. Subway accidents or commuter train accidents or railroad and railway accidents can result in serious injury and sometimes death, neck and back injury, soft tissue injury, fractures, broken bones, lacerations requiring stitches and plastic surgery, head trauma often occur. Emotional and psychological distress is also possible. Walt will work hard to make sure you receive the monetary settlement for you pain, suffering, lost wages, disfigurement or any other financial losses you may have sustained due to the accident.

Nursing Home Abuse

Has a family member or beloved suffered personal injury due to poor care, neglect, or abuse while in a nursing home? If you feel something is wrong, often your instincts are correct. Walt has extensive experience in the handling complex lawsuits for negligence. He can review the circumstances, have expert medical practitioners assess the injury and determine if the is a nursing home lawsuit where you or your loved one have suffered and are entitled to monetary damages and compensation.

Estate Planning

Last Will and Testament: Some are under the misconception that they just do not need a Will or any sort of Estate Planning. This thinking is just wrong. If you’d like to have some say where your assets will end up, you need a Will. If you have minor children, you definitely need a Will. If you like to leave some items to one person and away from another, it’s your choice. Wills can be fairly simple, inexpensive and hassle-free. Virtually all of my clients feel more at peace when they’ve finally taken care of this “last wish”.

Even if you’re still not sold on having a Will drafted for yourself, there are two important documents that are very relevant to your well-being because they come into play while you’re still alive. Those documents are a Durable Power of Attorney and a Health Care Surrogate.

Power of Attorney: If you’re alive but unable to take care of your financial affairs, you can nominate someone to do this for you. So, while one is sick, his or her power of attorney is able to pay the monthly bills, deposit checks and maybe even sell the home if there is a medical financial need. This form avoids the need for someone to be appointed as your guardian.

Health Care Surrogate: If you’re alive but unable to take care of yourself, you’re nominating someone you trust to make those medical directives for you. This is usually a spouse, a relative or a close friend. This form encompasses decisions about where you should be: In a hospital? At home with Hospice? It also can include end of life decisions, commonly called a “Living Will”. Your nominee will ultimately make decisions if someone is persistently vegetative (a coma situation) or terminal with days to live.

We can help with all of the above and we offer a free consultation. If you need us, we’re here!