Help! Someone Just Crashed Their Car into Mine! What Should I Do?

Being a personal injury lawyer, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten calls from friends and relatives who were just in a car accident and they have no idea what to do. I’m hurt! What should I do? First, let common sense rule: If you’re hurt, call 911 and don’t worry about anything else. Stay in your car and let the paramedics assess your situation. Then maybe call a friend or family member and advise of the crash and injury. Nothing else is Read More +

My Catastrophic Case

Imagine driving an 18 wheeler pulling a tankful of pool chemicals on I-75 southbound to Miami. It’s 3 a.m. because you hate driving in daytime traffic, and if you timed it right, you’ll arrive in Miami at dawn. Of course, it’s dark except for the street lights disbursed along the highway – and traffic is very light given the hour. As you approach a lane merging onto 75 near Ft. Myers, you see the vague outline of…… that a mini-van without its lights on? In Read More +

Did You Know….Juries Never Hear the Word “Insurance” in an Injury Trial?

I hate to admit it, but every once in a while those big billboard lawyers have a good point in their barrage of TV commercials that they seem to pop out like toast. A recent one has a lawyer saying a jury will never hear about the existence of car insurance in a car crash trial as they deliberate about injuries and damages. It’s true. Mostly. When we file suit for our client, the defendant is always the other driver and car owner. It’s almost Read More +

The Difference Between Careless Driving and Reckless Driving

Often when I ask a new injury client if the at-fault driver that caused the car crash was given a citation, I hear this: “Yes, he was ticketed for Reckless Driving…” In all likelihood, he was ticketed with Careless Driving, not Reckless Driving, and there’s a world of difference between the two. Most all of us have had lapses of judgment at one time or another on the road – maybe you diverted your attention for a second and rear ended someone you thought had Read More +

Personal Injury Cases and Bankruptcy

Whenever I’ve signed up a new client after they’ve been injured in some form of crash, I always, always ask the client whether they’re currently in a bankruptcy or if they’re planning to file for bankruptcy. While this may offend some, I ask them whether they’re middle class or wealthy.  An injury with a lots of time out of work can drain just about anyone’s savings to the point of living on credit cards and other economic distress. Why is it relevant? Because once you Read More +

Injuries Don’t Wait for the Holidays to be Over

Having represented injured clients for years, I’ve had many clients who unfortunately sustain an injury over the Holidays. It can be very difficult to get quality health care between Thanksgiving and Christmas when so many health care professionals are away for extended periods of time. If you’re in an accident or somehow hurt first assess if you should go to the emergency room: They are always open, of course. If you think you may have sustained a broken bone or internal injury a trip to Read More +