Video Surveillance and the Death of a Case (Two Actually)!

All lawyers share “war stories”. This is usually a true tale about an unnamed client (must preserve confidentiality) that resulted in some horrendous outcome to the poor slob of a lawyer telling the story. Retelling it makes other lawyers feel a bit better about their practice and it’s a right of passage for every lawyer. If you don’t have a war story, you’re doing something wrong. Sooner or later, something will go wrong in your practice. A while ago I blogged about a client who Read More +

What’s “Sovereign Immunity”?

The word “sovereign” means : “a chief ruler with supreme power,” like a King or Queen or even a fiefdom run by a master. Back in the middle-ages when the world was largely run by sovereigns whether royalty or a chief ruler, one couldn’t sue the master. As the saying went, “rex non potest peccare”, or the king can do no wrong. So, if you couldn’t sue your sovereign, he or she had complete immunity. Royalty could rain down any number of nasties on you Read More +

“My Pet Groomer Just Smacked the **** Out Of My Pet! Can I sue?”

Occasionally I get a call from a client about possibly suing someone for injuries to their pet. Someone called me years ago to tell me that their new groomer basically cut the hell out of her standard poodle since he was inexperienced as a groomer and the poodle was quite experienced as a wiggly, impatient dog. The dog’s fur was unevenly groomed and worse than that, the poodle looked like he had run through a narrow hallway filled with razor blades. Recently, a good friend Read More +

Lawyer Ads: “Hire me. You can relate to me!”, “No, I’M your relatable attorney…”

As an injury lawyer I’ve represented injured people in every phase of life. I’ve helped out injured people who were in boat crashes. Guess what? I don’t own a boat. I’ve represented injured people who were hit by a car while in-line skating. I don’t skate. Clients on bicycles who were hurt have come to me and I’m not an avid bicyclist. I’ve even helped out a seriously injured client who survived a helicopter crash. No, I’m not a pilot. But I know the law Read More +

Xarelto Lawsuits

The FDA approved xarelto (also known as “rivaroxaban”) in 2011 as an alternate drug product to other prescriptions that thin the blood. Those who suffer from atrial fibrillation are at extra risk for blood clots that might lead to a stroke. Blood clots are also a risk after major joint reconstruction surgery, such as hip or knee replacement. Blood thinners are the answer. Drugs such as the newer xarelto and the older warfarin both work as an anti-coagulant – that is, to prevent the blood Read More +

My Unpleasant Encounter with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Office

Those who know me, know that I have a passion for art. I was raised in metropolitan New York very close to Manhattan and spent many hours as a child in museums. It’s what I did growing up and it’s always been a source of interest, inspiration and even relaxation throughout my life. It was inevitable that after establishing myself in a law practice, I’d eventually gravitate to arts organization since, let’s face it, the law isn’t the most creative profession around. I’ve been chairman Read More +