Social Media – Trashing a Business Isn’t Without Repercussions

Years ago a world renowned inventor hyped his new invention and said it would be a life changer for everyone – that cities would have to be redesigned to accommodate his futuristic invention and that this device would be the most significant change in our lives to date. This device would be indispensable, and we’d all have one or two in our household. The inventor was Dean Kamen, and the invention turned out to be the Segway. Don’t you own one? Yeah, it was an overall dud unless Read More +

All We Are Is Our Word

If we lived our entire life, interacted with no one and then died, what is left of us? Other than some carbon matter, nothing. There’s no proof that we existed as a sentient being. However, most of us don’t live in isolation, we live in societies and communities and nations and countries.What separates us from other beings is the way in which we communicate. Yes, other highly developed animal communities communicate in their species-specific ways, but we humans have sophisticated ways to express ourselves, through Read More +

My Catastrophic Case

Imagine driving an 18 wheeler pulling a tankful of pool chemicals on I-75 southbound to Miami. It’s 3 a.m. because you hate driving in daytime traffic, and if you timed it right, you’ll arrive in Miami at dawn. Of course, it’s dark except for the street lights disbursed along the highway – and traffic is very light given the hour. As you approach a lane merging onto 75 near Ft. Myers, you see the vague outline of…… that a mini-van without its lights on? In Read More +