Guns & Road Rage

I’d just as soon avoid a blog post about guns since it’s a fairly polarizing topic, but this post is limited to guns and cars. More specifically, guns in cars. In the last year I have had a number of calls and questions from clients and friends regarding angry drivers who perceive some wrongdoing done to them and who then “flash” a gun at the other driver in an apparent show of force or retribution. Wow, this is such a bad idea. This bit of Read More +

Help! Someone Just Crashed Their Car into Mine! What Should I Do?

Being a personal injury lawyer, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten calls from friends and relatives who were just in a car accident and they have no idea what to do. I’m hurt! What should I do? First, let common sense rule: If you’re hurt, call 911 and don’t worry about anything else. Stay in your car and let the paramedics assess your situation. Then maybe call a friend or family member and advise of the crash and injury. Nothing else is Read More +

Will Your Family Physician See You After Your Car Wreck?

So, you’ve been in a car crash and you’re achy and sore. You didn’t go to an emergency room because you knew you didn’t have any broken bones, internal injuries or bleeding. Will your long term family doctor now see you to assess the injuries? Well, of course, my family doctor will see me. Why wouldn’t he? I’ve been a patient for years! There’s about a 50-50 chance your primary care physician will want nothing to do with you after a crash. Is it because they can’t Read More +

Should I Settle My Injury Case, or Should I File Suit?

It is a misconception that every personal injury case ends up in litigation and then goes to trial. In fact, a majority of injury claims are settled without the need for litigation and the vast majority are settled before getting to a jury trial. In my opinion, most insurance companies want to settle car collision injury cases when there is clear liability and the injuries are real and demonstrable through diagnostic tests. However, we always seem to differ with valuation of a claim. That is, Read More +

All We Are Is Our Word

If we lived our entire life, interacted with no one and then died, what is left of us? Other than some carbon matter, nothing. There’s no proof that we existed as a sentient being. However, most of us don’t live in isolation, we live in societies and communities and nations and countries.What separates us from other beings is the way in which we communicate. Yes, other highly developed animal communities communicate in their species-specific ways, but we humans have sophisticated ways to express ourselves, through Read More +

Do You Have Enough Car Insurance? Don’t Find Out After The Crash.

When I sign up a new client injured from a car crash, one of the first questions I ask is: “Tell me about your own car insurance coverage…..” I’m never surprised when a client responds: “I’m fully covered.” The problem is this is a fairly meaningless statement. Do you know about your car insurance coverage? It’s really important and you should. So, let’s break it down in easy language. Insurance in Florida is complicated and really boring, so this will be a challenge to make Read More +