How COVID-19 May Affect Your Case

Treatment: Life as we know it has come to an abrupt, but hopefully brief, pause. Most things seem to have slowed, been interrupted or come to a complete stop. If you’re an injury client, just know that if stop seeing your treating physician, you case will also stall. To resolve an injury claim, attorneys need to know from your doctor your diagnoses and future prognoses. Docs cannot assess that when they have an absentee patient. And when it comes time to settle your claim, most Read More +

Why Your Injury Settlement Today Might Cause Medicare to Refuse Future Medical Payments

This may seem like a boring topic, but the short take-away is: If you have a significant injury that might require future medical treatments and you settle your injury case today, if you need future medical care as a result of that injury, Medicare may not pay for your future medical care when you’re over 65. Huh? Isn’t that what I spent my adult life paying into? Why wouldn’t Medicare take care of me medically when I need it? As Medicare costs increase, Congress has Read More +

How To Royally Screw Up Your Injury Case

Whenever a new personal injury client is interviewed in my office, I always address the issue of social media. In short, be very careful what you post on social media. While Instagram and Facebook may be the most effective way to communicate your fun happenings with friends and family near and far, social media postings are discoverable in the event of a lawsuit. This means that if you’re injured from a car crash or some other event of negligence of another and you end up Read More +

My Catastrophic Case

Imagine driving an 18 wheeler pulling a tankful of pool chemicals on I-75 southbound to Miami. It’s 3 a.m. because you hate driving in daytime traffic, and if you timed it right, you’ll arrive in Miami at dawn. Of course, it’s dark except for the street lights disbursed along the highway – and traffic is very light given the hour. As you approach a lane merging onto 75 near Ft. Myers, you see the vague outline of…… that a mini-van without its lights on? In Read More +