FAQ: My doctor has recommended I have surgery because of my injury. Should I?

This is one question that makes every injury attorney cringe. Really? You’re asking me if you should have surgery? While I appreciate the opportunity to weigh in on a client’s medical decision, this is really a decision that is best made by the client, their doctor and their family. However, once in a while I will answer the question, when it’s phrased like this: “I cannot stand the pain any longer. I cannot go on like this. My surgeon has recommended surgery and I think Read More +

FAQ: How Long Should My Injury Claim Take to Resolve?

Ahh, the eternal question that injury clients always want to know: “I hurt, I feel terrible, I know I need medical treatment, but I’ve heard these cases take 5 years to resolve. I don’t want to get involved in that. Is this true?” Everyone has heard bad stories of cases that drag on for years. While it does occasionally happen, it’s very rare for a claim to last more than one year, two at the most. First, when someone is injured, medical care is essential Read More +

FAQ: Why Should I Hire A Small Firm For My Personal Injury Case?

I’m well aware that certain personal injury law firms advertise all over the place – land, air and even sky. There are park benches advertising injury lawyers, billboards tower over roadways brandishing a particular face from an Orlando law firm and I’ve even seen planes flying banners advertising big firms over public events. I don’t do any of that. So, why should you hire the smaller professional, instead of the “big boys”? We’re all professionals so let me just point out the differences between their style Read More +

“Do You See That? Can I Legally Film That Outrageous Arrest?”

2014 seems to be the year of videos that go viral on social media regarding police arresting people and in some cases, literally killing them in the process. These incidents are becoming more frequent, especially in neighborhoods where the population feels somewhat victimized by the police department.  As they say, daylight is sometimes the best disinfectant. In some instances, cops are either violating their own policies or actually breaking the law. The recent case out of New York where the man accused of a petty Read More +

Five “Don’ts” If You’re in A Low Speed Impact Car Crash

Many car accidents are low speed impact ones that do not result in a lot of property damage. Our roads are so congested we’re often playing bumper cars with each other and experiencing or witnessing minor crashes. If you’re on the road a lot, you may see a number of these on any given day. Here’s what not to do if you’re involved in a minor wreck: 1. We Don’t Need the Police! Well, yes you probably do need the police! Investigating agencies (Florida Highway Read More +

Representing Lottery Winners….

A few weeks ago I received a call from someone here in Palm Harbor who became a new client. This lucky guy had just won millions of dollars, not from a weekly lottery drawing, but from a Florida scratch off ticket, of all things. Did you know you can win up to $5 million on a Florida Lottery scratch off? “Paul” is a middle-aged single dad who was never a big wage earner and I couldn’t have been happier for him. He was seeking my Read More +