Monthly Archives: March 2019

Why Your Injury Settlement Today Might Cause Medicare to Refuse Future Medical Payments

This may seem like a boring topic, but the short take-away is: If you have a significant injury that might require future medical treatments and you settle your injury case today, if you need future medical care as a result of that injury, Medicare may not pay for your future medical care when you’re over 65. Huh? Isn’t that what I spent my adult life paying into? Why wouldn’t Medicare take care of me medically when I need it? As Medicare costs increase, Congress has Read More +

What is liability insurance?

Q: What is liability insurance? A: Liability insurance is insurance that covers you in the event you’re in a car accident and you, in fact, are at fault. It prevents the injured party from going after your personal assets or your house or your salary, things like that. If you have car insurance and you have liability insurance, see if you can get the most insurance limits that you can reasonably afford. Nobody wants to be insurance-poor, but the minimum insurance in Florida for liability Read More +

Should I cancel my phone number after winning the Florida Lottery?

Q: Should I cancel my phone number after winning the Florida Lottery? A: Depending on how much you’ve won. If you won a more modest amount, the press release will attract some media attention, but for those who win a larger amount, yes, it is very easy to cancel your cellphone number, home number if you have it, and just get a new number later in time. It is of utmost importance that you really preserve your privacy and your security.