In Defense of Personal Injury Attorneys Everywhere!

Maybe I’m a little sensitive lately. Last week a favorite political blogger of mine referred to a politician’s television address and described him “as sweaty as a personal injury lawyer.”  I was offended. It wasn’t funny. It doesn’t even make any sense. I know the indictment of the profession and am familiar with all the derogatory terms that won’t be regaled here for those who delight in lawyer-bashing. Suffice it to say, “ambulance chaser” sums it up.  Some of my colleagues make light of this Read More + Read More +

Gov. Rick Scott’s New Year’s Gift You Cannot Return

This is probably my most important blog post since I started writing one year ago. Please take a few moments to read this – it is, after all, about you if you drive a car in Florida. Much like the ugly sweater you received this Christmas that cannot be return without the receipt, our governor is giving you something you didn’t need or want, it’s a nasty piece-of-work and it’s coming your way on January 1, 2013. Like it or not – it’s going to Read More +

Low Speed Impacts Cannot Result in Injuries? Baloney!

For years car insurance companies have been hammering personal injury attorneys on cases where the car that was hit showed little-to-no property damage. The theory being, how can your client possibly be hurt when the car involved had a minimal amount of property damage? What’s “minimal” property damage? Believe it or not, most adjusters seem to think the $1,000 mark is the threshold. So, if it cost $900 to fix your car, there’s no way you can be injured. If it cost $1,010 to repair, Read More +

Lawyers & Frivolous Lawsuits

Aha, I got your attention! For years we’ve heard about crazy lawsuits that sound improbable at best and fraudulent at worst.  We’ve all heard them. They generally tend to fall into two categories:  (1) Stupid people who hurt themselves, get a lawyer and then sue a store or a business where the jury gives them all sorts of money for the injury that occurred at the store or on the businessman’s property; and, (2) even worse, people who commit a crime, get hurt, hire a Read More +

I’ve Just Been In A Car Accident. What Should I Do?

As a personal injury attorney, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten calls from friends, relatives or clients who were just in a car crash, they’re calling me from their cell phone and have no idea what to do. Ouch, I’m hurt. What do I do? First, let common sense rule: If you’re hurt, immediately call 911 and don’t worry about anything else. Stay in your car and wait for the ambulance. Then maybe call a loved one to advise your family of Read More +

Patient Privacy Laws (HIPAA), Social Media and the Law

Many of you have heard of the patient privacy law, called HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Acountability Act). It’s been around since 1996 and it’s something that we personal injury lawyers face every day in our practice. While it is a far reaching act, the way that you are most familiar with it is the aspect of the law that attempts to ensure your privacy as a health care patient, sometimes to absurd lengths. It is why at a pharmacy they sometimes separate the “drop Read More +