Monthly Archives: October 2020

Should I Quit My Job After Winning The Florida Lottery?

It’s always a matter of degrees and how much you won. Some people prefer to keep their job and work until they can determine if they can or should retire. For those who’ve won a large amount of money, you really should quit your job mainly as a matter of security and privacy and then, of course, get out of town. Picture Credit: Pexels

How Can An Estate Plan Make Things Easier On My Family After I Die?

There are very little or very few choices that have to be made once you have an estate plan. The only thing your family would really need to do once somebody passes is hire an attorney for a probate or hire an attorney to settle up the trust matters. You’ve already presupposed what you want to do with everything prior to your passing so it takes a lot of the burden off your family when you’ve already made those decisions. Picture Credit: Pixabay