Understanding Nursing Home Abuse

Unfortunately, we frequently hear about nursing home abuse. Frequently this comes in the form of neglect. This typically isn’t due to active malice but it’s still important to know what to look out for. Signs of Nursing Home Abuse There are many different types of nursing home neglect that may occur today. It’s important for you to be vigilant in looking for these things at all times. The best way to do so is to visit your loved one frequently. During those visits, there are Read More +

When Should I Review My Existing Will?

Q: When should I review my existing will? A: If there are no changes to be made, every 10 years your will and your estate planning documents should be reviewed. However, of course, if there are changes over the course of that 10 year period of time, if beneficiaries pass away or family becomes estranged then the changes should be made as needed. But if there are not pressing changes to be made, then every 10 years or so you should sit down and consult Read More +

How Can An Estate Plan Make Things Easier On My Family After I Die?

There are very little or very few choices that have to be made once you have an estate plan. The only thing your family would really need to do once somebody passes is hire an attorney for a probate or hire an attorney to settle up the trust matters. You’ve already presupposed what you want to do with everything prior to your passing so it takes a lot of the burden off your family when you’ve already made those decisions. Picture Credit: Pixabay

Personal Injury and Bankruptcy

When a debtor files bankruptcy, any potential or actual personal injury claim must be disclosed in the bankruptcy schedules.  A personal injury claim is any claim against a person, business, insurance company, or other parties, arising from the personal injury of the plaintiff, or person bringing the claim.  Such claims may arise from an automobile accident, a work related accident, slip and fall, and other forms of injury to the person bringing the claim. Usually, the debtor in bankruptcy can keep the personal injury attorney Read More +

Personal Injury Cases and Bankruptcy

Whenever I’ve signed up a new client after they’ve been injured in some form of crash, I always, always ask the client whether they’re currently in a bankruptcy or if they’re planning to file for bankruptcy. While this may offend some, I ask them whether they’re middle class or wealthy.  An injury with a lots of time out of work can drain just about anyone’s savings to the point of living on credit cards and other economic distress. Why is it relevant? Because once you Read More +

Injury Cases and Bankruptcy

Whenever I sign up a new injury client, I always inquire about the possibility of their filing bankruptcy in the near future. It is an important topic that needs to be explored since it can make the difference between securing a settlement for a client, and getting the client nothing. Since personal injury cases usually take months or sometimes years to resolve, an attorney doesn’t know the financial situation the client is in or will face in the near future and bringing it up early Read More +